Thursday, July 09, 2009

aqualung my friend; don't start away uneasy

did i ever tell you about the time i walked 15km up and down a small mountain to a waterfall? this is something that i don't normally do, since i am... how do you say it? oh yeah, lazy as fuck.

but it happened. i texted the shelby to find out if he wanted to have hangouts, and lo and behold the answer was yes. then chris decided we should go on a hike (which i of course assumed to be around the golf course or something). nope! 'twas through lynn headwater park up to norvus falls. very very beautiful. me, shelby, laine, matthew and chris hiked it on up. this was the look at the bottom of the hike:

i totally didn't die, or fall down (although i almost did).
we got mega wicked close to the falls, and i took pictures with my crappy balls phone camera. these are those:

when we were done we ate all we could eat sushi and then went back to our respective abodes. except me, i went to shelby's and we all got online and played left for dead. i was not left for dead, everyone else was. it was a good day.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

once i rose above the noise and confusion

today was spent making the house finished. cleaning the space behind the couch where the boxes went to die, and replacing them with a bookshelf! its like living in a real person's place.

we also got rid of the old coffee table in lieu of one that's a little nicer, and doesn't have a missing piece for things to get placed on. and then broken in the fall.

i also tidied my room up and its made it a little better temperature wise. when it gets pigslobby i close the door and seal the filth in. gross i know.

so blogging blogging blogging. what to say. i'm pretty boring, so i don't really have much to say. i want the weather to stay nice so i can beach it up, i want to go on a road trip somewheres. like this:

basically that's it and i do suck at this. once i figure out kinda what i wanna blog about instead of myself maybe this will be more awesome. or less. i guess boring as my blog is, i myself am pretty sweet. just so ya know.