until then, i went to see that movie 2012 last night. i was so excited, because i adore bad action movies. you know, the ones with bad science and terrible cliches but that are so bad they've come back 'round to good. the core comes to mind as a perfect example of this. TERRIBLE movie really, but my god do i love it.
anyway so the movie started off rad. ya know in the movie triple x with vin diesel how he can ride anything to freedom? any car/bike/railing/piece of metal/butler he could see, and good old vin was riding it. well, this was like that with driving from destruction. any car/limo/stolen plane etc, and they were driving it from destruction. see?

woody harrelson surprised me with a small role. LOVED IT. so crazy. maybe i'm deranged but i have kinda this messed up crush on woody harrelson. i just think he's neat is all. back to the film, the first half of the movie was rad. some bad science to set up the story, and then the world asplode basically for a while.
the second half of the movie... well, it looks like they ran out of money and it became the CBC presents 2012. we all noticed the drastic quality shift man, we all did.
aside from all that it was an okay movie. not great, but not the worst i've seen. next up is my boyfriend wes anderson (i wish)'s new one fantastic mr. fox. and that WILL actually be a good movie. i saw the thinger for it, and it looks as fantastic as i hoped it would. eeeee!
hey, and now on a person note i got suckered into going to HOT YOGA. for those of you who don't know what this is, it's basically doing yoga IN HELL. it was an hour long and i sweated so much and it was so hard but i didn't fall down! and actually i thought i would be all ow my body today, but really i'm just thinking that my butt/back hurts from when my bones were on the floor. and my shoulders and back A BIT but not too much.
will i do it again? depends on how convincing kathryn can be next week. but i am pretty balls with peer pressure, so likely she'll be all "come on DO IT" and i will cave and say ok.
sgfdgad uywgef eytuwq g
i will leave on annoying cat on keyboard gibberish and bid you adieu.