finally friday and i just realized that since my mom is coming i have 2 long weekends in a row! woohoo double win. and thank you to the province of british columbia for recognizing remembrance day as a legitimate holiday!
i've decided to make a more concentrated effort to involve myself in the digital world. i'm trying not to dislike it so much. and it's weird cos i don't really dislike technology, i just hate the idea of being tied to the internet as a source of EVERYTHING. but i suppose it's a good source of everything, and i just have to deal with that haha.
so i should say that i saw this movie one time with my friend tamsmobile and it was called the season of the witch. i only mention it cos its on the movie channel now apparently.
let me tell you about this movie:
in some old times, like the 14th century, these religion dudes are hanging and generally torturing witches. when they die they gotta do this magic religion spell so they don't get witch haunted, like ya do. but one time, they don't do it right. and man oh man, she like totally goes all demon witch zombie ghost murder on the religion dude and steals the magic religion spellbook! oh noes! then she makes the plague happen everywhere and it's gross and plaguelike.
then the religion dudes find her and they catch her again and to make sure they get the LAST REMAINING magic book and kill the ghostwitch dead, they enlist NIC CAGE and ron perlman's terrible accents (or lack of accents entirely) and some girls (i think? or they found girls on the way or something? i can't remember it so much) to journey to some monk hideaway in the mountains.
then some terrible stuff happens and some dead guy wakes up for a conversation to explain some plot points, some monks get brutally murdered, and then perlman and cage get murdered so the women they took with them, or found, finished this magic ritual, had a quick funeral and then walked hand in hand into the sunlight with the magic religion book.
how nice.
it's amazingly bad. and here's a secret, i love movies that are amazingly bad. and i love nic cage. he makes movies that are both amazingly bad and also amazing! or he caters entirely to my taste in movies. either way, nic cage crazy pants? can't go wrong. his freakouts are the stuff of legend.
i may watch this movie tonight. because i am just that cool.